Funded Tech Companies


Pearl, based in West Hollywood, has financial backing through Left Lane Capital, Smash Capital and NeoTribe Ventures.

Company Overview

Company Name
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds
Total Funding

Contact Information

Mailing Address
750 North San Vicente Boulevard 800
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Email Address

Company Background Information

Pearl was founded on the notion that artificial intelligence can be the dental practitioner's always-on assistant and the patient's most trustworthy friend. Its founders have a uniquely personal connection to the dental industry's intricacies, as well as the knowledge and education to actualize the full and practicable potential that AI has to offer.
Pearl LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Pearl Company Twitter Account
Company News
Pearl News
Pearl on Facebook
Pearl on YouTube
Last Transaction

Financing History


Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Ophir Tanz
  Ophir Tanz LinkedIn Profile  Ophir Tanz Twitter Account  Ophir Tanz News  Ophir Tanz on Facebook
Chief Operating Officer
Ben Plomion
  Ben Plomion LinkedIn Profile  Ben Plomion Twitter Account  Ben Plomion News  Ben Plomion on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Cambron Carter
  Cambron Carter LinkedIn Profile  Cambron Carter Twitter Account  Cambron Carter News  Cambron Carter on Facebook
Vice President
Nandy Puttashamachar
  Nandy Puttashamachar LinkedIn Profile  Nandy Puttashamachar Twitter Account  Nandy Puttashamachar News  Nandy Puttashamachar on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
John Schwartz
  John Schwartz LinkedIn Profile  John Schwartz Twitter Account  John Schwartz News  John Schwartz on Facebook
VP - Client Services
Erica Zerante
  Erica Zerante LinkedIn Profile  Erica Zerante Twitter Account  Erica Zerante News  Erica Zerante on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Sjoerd van Roosmalen
  Sjoerd van Roosmalen LinkedIn Profile  Sjoerd van Roosmalen Twitter Account  Sjoerd van Roosmalen News  Sjoerd van Roosmalen on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
William Birdsall
  William Birdsall LinkedIn Profile  William Birdsall Twitter Account  William Birdsall News  William Birdsall on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Nick Garrison
  Nick Garrison LinkedIn Profile  Nick Garrison Twitter Account  Nick Garrison News  Nick Garrison on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Brian Kim
  Brian Kim LinkedIn Profile  Brian Kim Twitter Account  Brian Kim News  Brian Kim on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Josh Tabak
  Josh Tabak LinkedIn Profile  Josh Tabak Twitter Account  Josh Tabak News  Josh Tabak on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Mike Barniv
  Mike Barniv LinkedIn Profile  Mike Barniv Twitter Account  Mike Barniv News  Mike Barniv on Facebook
VP - Sales
Mike Buckner
  Mike Buckner LinkedIn Profile  Mike Buckner Twitter Account  Mike Buckner News  Mike Buckner on Facebook

Company Investors




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