Funded Tech Companies

Seal Software

Looking for the company that acquired Seal Software? The company was acquired by DocuSign.

Company Overview

Company Name
Seal Software
Company Status
Acquired or Merged

Contact Information

Mailing Address
1990 N California Blvd. 500
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Email Address
Not Recorded

Company Background Information

Seal Software Contract Discovery and Analytics helps companies maximize revenue opportunities and reduce expenses and costs associated with contractual documents, systems and processes.
Seal Software LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Seal Software Company Twitter Account
Company News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity
Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Ulf Zetterberg
  Ulf Zetterberg LinkedIn Profile  Ulf Zetterberg Twitter Account  Ulf Zetterberg News  Ulf Zetterberg on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Mark Williams
  Mark Williams LinkedIn Profile  Mark Williams Twitter Account  Mark Williams News  Mark Williams on Facebook
Chief Marketing Officer
David Gingell
  David Gingell LinkedIn Profile  David Gingell Twitter Account  David Gingell News  David Gingell on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Kevin Gidney
  Kevin Gidney LinkedIn Profile  Kevin Gidney Twitter Account  Kevin Gidney News  Kevin Gidney on Facebook
VP - Customer Service
John O'Melia
  John O'Melia LinkedIn Profile  John O'Melia Twitter Account  John O'Melia News  John O'Melia on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Mark Rollins
  Mark Rollins LinkedIn Profile  Mark Rollins Twitter Account  Mark Rollins News  Mark Rollins on Facebook
VP - Sales
Rich Bohne
  Rich Bohne LinkedIn Profile  Rich Bohne Twitter Account  Rich Bohne News  Rich Bohne on Facebook
VP - Sales
Steve Tucker
  Steve Tucker LinkedIn Profile  Steve Tucker Twitter Account  Steve Tucker News  Steve Tucker on Facebook

Company Investors




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