Funded Tech Companies

NewLink Genetics

NewLink Genetics, based in Ames, received equity investments from private investors.

Company Overview

Company Name
NewLink Genetics
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
2503 South Loop Dr. 5100
Ames, IN 50010
Email Address

Company Background Information

NewLink Genetics (NASDAQ: NLNK) is an emerging biopharmaceutical company focused on discovery and development of novel, immunotherapeutic agents. Our mission is to achieve breakthrough improvements in the survival and quality-of-life of cancer patients.
NewLink Genetics LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
NewLink Genetics Company Twitter Account
Company News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Charles Link
  Charles Link LinkedIn Profile  Charles Link Twitter Account  Charles Link News  Charles Link on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Jack Henneman
  Jack Henneman LinkedIn Profile  Jack Henneman Twitter Account  Jack Henneman News  Jack Henneman on Facebook
Chief Medical Officer
Eugene Kennedy
  Eugene Kennedy LinkedIn Profile  Eugene Kennedy Twitter Account  Eugene Kennedy News  Eugene Kennedy on Facebook
Nicholas Vahanian
  Nicholas Vahanian LinkedIn Profile  Nicholas Vahanian Twitter Account  Nicholas Vahanian News  Nicholas Vahanian on Facebook
Vice President
Mario Mautino
  Mario Mautino LinkedIn Profile  Mario Mautino Twitter Account  Mario Mautino News  Mario Mautino on Facebook
Vice President
Gabriela Rossi
  Gabriela Rossi LinkedIn Profile  Gabriela Rossi Twitter Account  Gabriela Rossi News  Gabriela Rossi on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Brian Wiley
  Brian Wiley LinkedIn Profile  Brian Wiley Twitter Account  Brian Wiley News  Brian Wiley on Facebook
VP - Finance
Carl Langren
  Carl Langren LinkedIn Profile  Carl Langren Twitter Account  Carl Langren News  Carl Langren on Facebook
VP - Regulatory Affairs
Lisa DeLuca
  Lisa DeLuca LinkedIn Profile  Lisa DeLuca Twitter Account  Lisa DeLuca News  Lisa DeLuca on Facebook

Company Investors




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