Funded Tech Companies

Jama Software

Headquartered in Portland, Jama Software is venture-backed, with investment from Insight Venture Partners, Madrona Venture Group and Updata Partners.

Company Overview

Company Name
Jama Software
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
135 SW Taylor 200
Portland, OR 97204
Email Address

Company Background Information

We've designed Jama's products for every organization seeking to be more agile, achieve real efficiencies and create measurable business value for their customers, employees and partners.
Jama Software LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
Jama Software Company Twitter Account
Company News
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Jama Software on YouTube
Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity
Venture Equity
Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Marc Osofsky
  Marc Osofsky LinkedIn Profile  Marc Osofsky Twitter Account  Marc Osofsky News  Marc Osofsky on Facebook
Vice President
Keith Johnson
  Keith Johnson LinkedIn Profile  Keith Johnson Twitter Account  Keith Johnson News  Keith Johnson on Facebook
VP - Customer Service
Clay Moore
  Clay Moore LinkedIn Profile  Clay Moore Twitter Account  Clay Moore News  Clay Moore on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Shane Patrick
  Shane Patrick LinkedIn Profile  Shane Patrick Twitter Account  Shane Patrick News  Shane Patrick on Facebook
VP - Finance
Colleen Yeager
  Colleen Yeager LinkedIn Profile  Colleen Yeager Twitter Account  Colleen Yeager News  Colleen Yeager on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Karen Gragg
  Karen Gragg LinkedIn Profile  Karen Gragg Twitter Account  Karen Gragg News  Karen Gragg on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Josh Turpen
  Josh Turpen LinkedIn Profile  Josh Turpen Twitter Account  Josh Turpen News  Josh Turpen on Facebook
VP - Sales
Zack Smith
  Zack Smith LinkedIn Profile  Zack Smith Twitter Account  Zack Smith News  Zack Smith on Facebook

Company Investors




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