Funded Tech Companies

Maven AGI

Headquartered in Boston, Maven AGI raised its funding from E14 Fund, private investors and Lux Capital.

Company Overview

Company Name
Maven AGI
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
131 Dartmouth St, 3rd Floor
Boston, MA 02116
Email Address
Not Recorded

Company Background Information

Meet Maven AGI: We're a platform building AI agents to transform enterprise customer experience through the power of Generative AI (Gen AI). We're reimagining customer service from the ground up, delivering personalized user experiences with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. Using our native Gen AI platform, AI Agents, in-house technology, and industry-leading accuracy, Maven AGI autonomously resolves over 93% of customer inquiries, cutting support costs by 81% while enhancing the overall customer experience.
Maven AGI LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
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Company News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Corbin
  Jonathan Corbin LinkedIn Profile  Jonathan Corbin Twitter Account  Jonathan Corbin News  Jonathan Corbin on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Sami Shalabi
  Sami Shalabi LinkedIn Profile  Sami Shalabi Twitter Account  Sami Shalabi News  Sami Shalabi on Facebook
VP - Customer Service
Leila Horejsi
  Leila Horejsi LinkedIn Profile  Leila Horejsi Twitter Account  Leila Horejsi News  Leila Horejsi on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Matt Flaherty
  Matt Flaherty LinkedIn Profile  Matt Flaherty Twitter Account  Matt Flaherty News  Matt Flaherty on Facebook
VP - Human Resources
Trish English
  Trish English LinkedIn Profile  Trish English Twitter Account  Trish English News  Trish English on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Arielle Aldrich
  Arielle Aldrich LinkedIn Profile  Arielle Aldrich Twitter Account  Arielle Aldrich News  Arielle Aldrich on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Eugene Mann
  Eugene Mann LinkedIn Profile  Eugene Mann Twitter Account  Eugene Mann News  Eugene Mann on Facebook
VP - Sales
Matthew Bigelow
  Matthew Bigelow LinkedIn Profile  Matthew Bigelow Twitter Account  Matthew Bigelow News  Matthew Bigelow on Facebook

Company Investors




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