Funded Tech Companies

Feedback Loop

Headquartered in New York, Feedback Loop has funding from Spider Capital and Crosslink Capital.

Company Overview

Company Name
Feedback Loop
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
588 Bdwy. 503
New York, NY 10012

Company Background Information

Feedback Loop is the agile research platform for rapid consumer feedback. Farmers Insurance, Humana, Lending Tree, Uber and Fortune 500 companies trust Feedback Loop to bring the voice of the consumer into critical market decisions. Founded as Alpha in 2014, Feedback Loop is headquartered in New York City and backed by Crosslink Capital, Spider Capital, and Calibrate Ventures.
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Robert Holland
  Robert Holland LinkedIn Profile  Robert Holland Twitter Account  Robert Holland News  Robert Holland on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Bryce Storie
  Bryce Storie LinkedIn Profile  Bryce Storie Twitter Account  Bryce Storie News  Bryce Storie on Facebook
VP - Customer Service
AJ Cappelli
  AJ Cappelli LinkedIn Profile  AJ Cappelli Twitter Account  AJ Cappelli News  AJ Cappelli on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Haggai Weiser
  Haggai Weiser LinkedIn Profile  Haggai Weiser Twitter Account  Haggai Weiser News  Haggai Weiser on Facebook
VP - Human Resources
Marjorie Ajero
  Marjorie Ajero LinkedIn Profile  Marjorie Ajero Twitter Account  Marjorie Ajero News  Marjorie Ajero on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Kate Hutchinson
  Kate Hutchinson LinkedIn Profile  Kate Hutchinson Twitter Account  Kate Hutchinson News  Kate Hutchinson on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Nis Frome
  Nis Frome LinkedIn Profile  Nis Frome Twitter Account  Nis Frome News  Nis Frome on Facebook
VP - R & D
Roddy Knowles
  Roddy Knowles LinkedIn Profile  Roddy Knowles Twitter Account  Roddy Knowles News  Roddy Knowles on Facebook
VP - Sales
Matthew Davis
  Matthew Davis LinkedIn Profile  Matthew Davis Twitter Account  Matthew Davis News  Matthew Davis on Facebook

Company Investors




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