Funded Tech Companies

NanoHive Medical

NanoHive Medical is a leading medical devices company, located in Woburn. Venture investment and financing was provided by private investors.

Company Overview

Company Name
NanoHive Medical
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds
Total Funding

Contact Information

Mailing Address
12 Gill Street 4500
Woburn, MA 01801
Email Address

Company Background Information

NanoHive Medical strives to be a leader in the medical device industry by manufacturing and selling best-in-class spine interbody devices, that enable surgeons to effectively treat their patients and enhance patient healing. NanoHive Medical is committed to ethical business practices and remaining a trusted company within the medical device industry.
NanoHive Medical LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
NanoHive Medical Company Twitter Account
Company News
NanoHive Medical News
NanoHive Medical on Facebook
NanoHive Medical on YouTube
Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Chief Executive Officer
Patrick O'Donnell
  Patrick O'Donnell LinkedIn Profile  Patrick O'Donnell Twitter Account  Patrick O'Donnell News  Patrick O'Donnell on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
Derek Tsechrintzis
  Derek Tsechrintzis LinkedIn Profile  Derek Tsechrintzis Twitter Account  Derek Tsechrintzis News  Derek Tsechrintzis on Facebook
Chief Technical Officer
Ian Helmar
  Ian Helmar LinkedIn Profile  Ian Helmar Twitter Account  Ian Helmar News  Ian Helmar on Facebook
VP - Marketing
Ken Dieselman
  Ken Dieselman LinkedIn Profile  Ken Dieselman Twitter Account  Ken Dieselman News  Ken Dieselman on Facebook
VP - Sales
David Rattigan
  David Rattigan LinkedIn Profile  David Rattigan Twitter Account  David Rattigan News  David Rattigan on Facebook

Company Investors




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