Funded Tech Companies

The Predictive Index

The Predictive Index, based in Westwood, received equity investments from General Catalyst Partners.

Company Overview

Company Name
The Predictive Index
Company Status
Private & Independent
Funding Rounds

Contact Information

Mailing Address
101 Station Dr.
Westwood, MA 02090

Company Background Information

The Predictive Index (PI) is an award-winning talent optimization platform that aligns business strategy with people strategy for optimal business results.
The Predictive Index LinkedIn Company Profile
Social Media
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Company News
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Last Transaction

Financing History

Venture Equity

Management Team

Email & Social
Daniel Muzquiz
  Daniel Muzquiz LinkedIn Profile  Daniel Muzquiz Twitter Account  Daniel Muzquiz News  Daniel Muzquiz on Facebook
Chief Executive Officer
Michael Zani
  Michael Zani LinkedIn Profile  Michael Zani Twitter Account  Michael Zani News  Michael Zani on Facebook
Chief Financial Officer
John McGuinness
  John McGuinness LinkedIn Profile  John McGuinness Twitter Account  John McGuinness News  John McGuinness on Facebook
Michael Lesanto
  Michael Lesanto LinkedIn Profile  Michael Lesanto Twitter Account  Michael Lesanto News  Michael Lesanto on Facebook
VP - Bus. Development
Lee Pichette
  Lee Pichette LinkedIn Profile  Lee Pichette Twitter Account  Lee Pichette News  Lee Pichette on Facebook
VP - Client Services
Maribel Olvera
  Maribel Olvera LinkedIn Profile  Maribel Olvera Twitter Account  Maribel Olvera News  Maribel Olvera on Facebook
VP - Engineering
Michael O'Hearn
  Michael O'Hearn LinkedIn Profile  Michael O'Hearn Twitter Account  Michael O'Hearn News  Michael O'Hearn on Facebook
VP - General Counsel
Chris Buontempo
  Chris Buontempo LinkedIn Profile  Chris Buontempo Twitter Account  Chris Buontempo News  Chris Buontempo on Facebook
VP - Human Resources
Jackie Dube
  Jackie Dube LinkedIn Profile  Jackie Dube Twitter Account  Jackie Dube News  Jackie Dube on Facebook
VP - Product Management
Matthew Poepsel
  Matthew Poepsel LinkedIn Profile  Matthew Poepsel Twitter Account  Matthew Poepsel News  Matthew Poepsel on Facebook
VP - R & D
Gregory Barnett
  Gregory Barnett LinkedIn Profile  Gregory Barnett Twitter Account  Gregory Barnett News  Gregory Barnett on Facebook
VP - Sales
Drew Fortin
  Drew Fortin LinkedIn Profile  Drew Fortin Twitter Account  Drew Fortin News  Drew Fortin on Facebook

Company Investors




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