What customer service skills should your employees have? We take a look at must-have CSR skills and how to set expectations for your customer service staff.
The good news for employers and aspiring customer service reps is that most important customer service skills can be learned and mastered. Here's our take on which customer service skills are most important.
Good customer service is driven by good customer service skills. If your customer service isn't strong, you need to improve the skills of your customer service staff ASAP!
One of the most important customer service skills is the ability to handle customer complaints without relying on manager involvement. Here are some ways to ensure that your call center handles complaints well.
Problem solving skills don't come naturally to many people. But without adequate problem solving abilities, your customer service department will be on a fast track to disaster.
If a customer service agent is a good listener, everything else will follow. We take a look at why listening is such an important customer service skill.
Customer service training for managers can be invaluable. You'll learn how to empower your workforce, develop effective customer service feedback and reward systems and build a work culture that delivers on the promise of superior customer service.
Tell the world if you think Nordstrom customer service sucks. Here's my story. Post yours.