Crowd Funding
Crowd Funding for Creative Projects
Crowd funding is all the rage and it's especially useful for funding creative projects. We take a look at a few creative projects that have been funded via crowd funding.
Crowd funding has become an especially useful funding vehicle for creative projects.

Bands, film projects, and even small museums regularly populate crowd funding websites with listings that range from mainstream art to truly wacky creative visions.
Although you won't be able to finance your idea for a Hollywood blockbuster through crowd funding, you should be able to raise a few thousand bucks for an interesting creative concept. To help you get started, here are a few examples of creative projects that are currently looking for resources on popular crowd funding websites.
Exposure: An Expedition To The Oil Threatened Gulf Coast
Exposure is a creative project that uses antique photography equipment (dating back to pre-oil dependent America) to create glass plate images of the people and environment that are currently impacted by the Gulf oil spill. The photographer's goal was to raise $2000 for his trip. Instead, he successfully raised over $3500.
Below New York
Below New York is a documentary project that chronicles the musicians, performers, and artists that inhabit the New York subway system. The filmmaker has already completed a trailer, but needs $3000 to fund equipment rentals for final shoots, post production work including sound mixes, and other expenses. His goal is to enter the film in festivals and eventually identify a venue for its wide scale release and distribution.
Making "The Dream" A Reality
Sunna Gunnlaugs is a jazz pianist with a handful of albums under her belt. Her sixth album, called "The Dream" is ready to be released and promoted. The only problem is that Sunna needed financial help for the final stages of its release. Through crowd funding, she was able to successfully raise the $2500 required to finish "the dream".
City of Stairways: A Poet's Field Guide To San Francisco
Part travel guide, part poetry anthology, City of Stairways is the brainchild of WritersCorps—a San Francisco program that offers free writing workshops to youth ages 6 to 22 at public schools, libraries, juvenile hall, and community centers. When the kids needed help to pay for the costs of creating, printing, and distributing their book they turned to crowd funding and raised $4100 – which was more than enough for the project.
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