Tech Investors Database
Corporate Investments in Tech Companies
Corporations act as strategic investors in many tech company financings we track. We've identified over 3,000 companies that have invested in technology ventures.
This list of corporations that have made strategic investments in tech companies is updated as new deals occur.

Corporate Tech Investors Database - Sorted Alphabetically
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: to Amazon
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Amazon to BBC Worldwide
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > BBC Worldwide to Calm
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Calm to Comcast
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Comcast to Diebold
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Diebold to Experian
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Experian to Genik
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Genik to Hertz
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Hertz to Intelsat
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Intelsat to LabCorp
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > LabCorp to McCain Foods
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > McCain Foods to Navistar
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Navistar to Oracle
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Oracle to PwC
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > PwC to Schlumberger
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Schlumberger to Sonos
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Sonos to Techtronic Industries
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Techtronic Industries to TripAdvisor
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > TripAdvisor to Waze
- Corporate Venture Capital Investing: > Waze
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