Calendar & Scheduling Software

Conference Room Scheduling Software Features

Looking for conference room scheduling software? Smart move . . . Room scheduling software can save untold amounts of time and headaches in a business workplace. Here are some must-have features that you'll want to make sure you get in your scheduling solution.

Resource scheduling plays a vital role in a busy, small business work environment.

Conference Room Scheduling Software Features

With just a little coordination, you can dramatically reduce space and other resource requirements while maintaining a well-oiled office atmosphere.

Conference room scheduling software facilitates the use of office meeting space. Instead of maintaining manual room schedules, the software handles it for you, freeing up your office assistants to focus on other tasks and assuring meeting participants that the room will be ready for them when they need it. Double-bookings and other scheduling disasters simply aren't possible when you utilize a sound conference room scheduling solution.

The current line of room scheduling solutions does a lot more than just handle room reservations. Products from Netsimplicity and other providers have features that address meeting setup requirements, monitor room usage and integrate with other common business applications. Here are some of the features to look for in a top-shelf conference room scheduling software solution.

  • Integration with Outlook. Outlook is great for scheduling meetings, but it falls short in helping you make room reservations. Many room scheduling solutions feature an Outlook plug-in that lets you update room reservations and schedules directly from Outlook itself.
  • Web access. Best-of-breed solutions provide convenient web access for authorized users. With web connectivity, you can schedule or update conference room reservations and meeting requirements whenever and wherever you like.
  • Customization. A solution that lacks adequate customization features could be counterproductive. Let's say your meeting rooms are commonly known as the Blue Room and the Red Room. If the software only lets you label them as Conference Room 1 and Conference Room 2 (or some derivative), you risk injecting an added layer of confusion into the reservation process.
  • Resource scheduling. Meetings rarely require just a meeting space. More often than not, resources like catering equipment, A/V equipment, projectors and other portable technologies also come into play. A robust event scheduling solution will enable you to book all the resources you need when you reserve the room.
  • Reporting. From a facilities management standpoint, reporting is a must-have feature in scheduling software. A good solution should let you create custom reports for public display or internal space management uses.

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