Tech Company Acquirers


AvidXchange, based in Charlotte, acquired FastPay.

Company Overview

Company Name
Company Status

Contact Information

Mailing Address
1210 AvidXchange Ln.
Charlotte, NC 28206

Company Background Information

AvidXchange is the industry leader in automating invoice and payment processes for mid-market businesses.
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Last Transaction

Acquisitions By AvidXchange

Not Disclosed

Management Team

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Chief Executive Officer
Michael Praeger
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Chief Financial Officer
Joel Wilhite
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Chief Information Officer
Angelic Gibson
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Chief Information Officer
Christina Quaine
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Chief Technical Officer
Chris Tinsley
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Vice President
Heather Caudill
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Vice President
Paul Kelly
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Vice President
Denise Leleux
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Vice President
Al McMillian
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VP - Bus. Development
Shishir Desai
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VP - Bus. Development
Serdar Dincaslan
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VP - Bus. Development
Daniel Drees
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VP - Customer Service
Stavros Liakakos
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Martin Smith
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Ryan Stahl
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Todd Cunningham
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VP - Marketing
Jess Antle
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VP - Operations
Timothy Johnson
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Timothy Ramsey
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VP - Product Management
Justin Nelson
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VP - Sales
Thomas Spencer
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VP - Sales
Michael Travis
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