Contribute an Article to This Site
How Do I Contribute an Article?
Simply follow the instructions below to submit site content. Before
you submit an article, make sure we haven't already covered that
exact entrepreneurial topic. If you've got a variation on an entrepreneurial
topic that we've already covered, that's fine.
We will review your article contribution and, within two business days, will let you know if we will be putting your article on the site.
If your article is published, thousands of entrepreneurs and small
business owners who visit our site will enjoy your article. You
will be given full credit for the article, including a link to your
website if you have one.
What Are the Benefits of Writing Contributed Articles?
Those who have submitted articles in the past have seen four key
benefits from contributing articles.
- First, they get a link to their site. In marketing parlance,
it's known as an inbound link and it can play
a big role in bumping your site up in the search engine results.
- Second, they build their own thought leadership
profile. By writing articles, you establish yourself as an expert
on a topic. If you are an aspiring or experienced freelance writer,
you are growing a portfolio of accomplishments with each and every
article that is published, and this site is well-regarded in almost
all circles. That's a good thing.
- Third, authors of contributed articles sleep well at night.
If you provide good advice to entrepreneurs, you can rest easy
knowing that you are helping others through your
sage counsel. You've accumulated some amazing wisdom and business
lessons, haven't you? It's time to spread the knowledge. Seriously,
your business knowledge and small business advice may get a struggling
entrepreneur back on the path to success or help a newbie entrepreneur
get on the right path.
- Fourth and finally, you'd be surprise what a good article can
do for lead generation. We received a note from
an attorney who contributed an article to our site. Somebody read
the article, called the attorney and eventually engaged them for
a project that resulted in over $15,000 in legal fees. Writing
articles on topics you know and love can be great for your business!
What Topics Can I Write About?
This site is all about entrepreneurship and providing help to entrepreneurs
and small business owners.
You can submit articles discussing starting
a business, writing
a business plan, raising
money, forming
a company, small
business marketing, customer
service, effective
selling techniques, business
leadership, business
strategy, intellectual
property, exporting,
human resources,
business legal issues, small
business accounting, small
business tax advice, operational
insights, real
estate decisions, franchising,
a business, running
a home-based business, small
business technology, administrative
issues, family
businesses, business
insurance or any other topic of interest to small business owners
and entrepreneurs.
Article Submission Guidelines
- You can submit any article as long as it provides useful information
and advice to entrepreneurs and small business owners. The best
articles educate readers on the basics but also include insights
and advice that even seasoned entrepreneurs will appreciate.
- We ONLY accept original content. No plagiarism!
You can quote other resources as long as those mentions are properly
- The article will be exclusive to our web site -- you may, however,
also post it on your own website. You agree not to contribute
the article to other websites after we have published your article.
The penalty for breaking this solemn vow is that bad karma will
follow you for the rest of your life -- plus, we will probably
take down the contributed article.
- Gaebler Ventures Resources for Entrepreneurs editors reserve
the right to reject or publish any submitted articles.
- Please do not submit articles that are effectively advertisements
for your products and services. Be objective and, if appropriate, mention other
- Article length should be between 500 - 1000 words.
- Please, do NOT type in all CAPS. Articles typed in all CAPS
will not be accepted.
- Take a look at the many articles already on the site to get
an idea of the type of articles to submit, the tone of the articles,
and the level of detail to include.
- Please do spell checks and grammar checks before submiting.
- Please include: your name, your email, date, and title.
- We reserve the right to edit submitted articles.
Ready to Get Started?
Simply email us at [email protected]
and include:
- your article(s)
- your name and the article title
- please use "Gaebler Ventures Article Submission" as
the email subject
- any other bio information you'd like us to share with your readers
That's it! We will do the rest. After going through our review
process, we will publish and promote your articles on the site.
Thanks for contributing!